Our Solutions
We offer a range of solutions to help you GROW STRESSWISE which start with our Stress Performance Indicator Tool.
We offer a range of solutions to help you GROW STRESSWISE which start with our Stress Performance Indicator Tool.
Our Stress Performance Indicator Tool is designed to diagnose stress and performance levels providing insights into how stress is affecting individual employees and, in turn, your organisation.
The tool empowers employees and management, with data-driven insights from which to make informed decisions that enhance performance, wellbeing, and overall business success.
Individual Assessment:
Each employee is invited to take our comprehensive stress diagnostic test.
This test evaluates stress and performance levels across various zones, from boreout to burnout, to identify optimal conditions for productivity and wellbeing.
Organisational Insights:
Upon completion, employees receive a detailed report highlighting:
Example: Stress and performance zones
Confidential and Secure:
The individual data collected through the test is confidential and stored in accordance with GDPR law, ensuring that employees can be honest and open about their experiences without any concern about privacy.
Benefits for Employees:
Further information on the Individual Stress Performance Diagnostic Test Report
1. Overall Stress and Performance Score and Zone Identification:
Provides a summary of your overall stress and performance levels, categorised into and located on one of the zones (Boreout, Comfort, Stretched, Strained, Distress, Burnout)
2. Behavioural Insights:
Analysis of your behaviours at work, highlighting where your behaviours are contributing positively or negatively to your overall performance and stress levels
3. Emotional Wellbeing:
Detailed feedback on your feelings related to work, identifying the emotions that may be impacting your performance and ways to manage them
4. Cognitive Patterns:
Examination of your thoughts about work, offering insights into how your thinking patterns influence your stress and performance
5. Strengths and Areas for Improvement:
Identifies your strengths in managing work-related stress and performing effectively, and areas for conscious improvement
6. Personalised Recommendations and Actionable Steps:
Provides tailored recommendations based on your score, and a list of actionable steps to help you move towards optimal stress and performance and a more balanced state of overall wellbeing
7. Follow-Up Plan:
Suggests a plan for follow-up assessments to help you track your progress over-time and ensure you are making changes and adjusting strategies as needed
8. Resources and Support:
Lists resources available within your organisation or externally for you to engage with to seek support in your journey to optimal stress and performance
By providing these comprehensive insights and recommendations, the detailed report aims to empower you with the knowledge and tools necessary to enhance your performance, optimise stress, and achieve a healthier work-life balance
Aggregated Data:
While individual results remain anonymous and confidential, we aggregate the data to provide an overview of a team’s or organisation’s stress profile.
Minimum team size must be >5 individuals to protect anonymity and confidentiality.
Organisational Insights:
Management receive a detailed report providing a summary of:
Example: Stress and performance zones
Confidential and Secure:
The individual data collected through the test is confidential and stored in accordance with GDPR law, ensuring that employees can be honest and open about their experiences without any concern about privacy.
Benefits for Teams and Organisations:
Further information on the Team and Organisational Stress Performance Diagnostic Test Report
1. Overall Team/Organisational Stress and Performance Profile:
Provides a summary of the collective stress and performance level of a team and/or organisation, as well as the distribution across the different zones (Boreout, Comfort, Stretched, Strained, Distress, Burnout)
2. Behavioural Trends:
Analysis of common behaviours, highlighting where they are contributing positively or negatively to performance and stress levels
3. Emotional Wellbeing Trends:
Insights into prevalent emotional states and their potential impact on collective performance
4. Cognitive Patterns:
Detailed examination into common cognitive patterns, showing how your people’s thoughts and mindsets are impacting collective stress and performance levels
5. Strengths and Weaknesses:
Identifies collective strengths in managing work-related stress and performing effectively, and specific areas for improvement and investment
6. Recommendations and Actionable Steps:
Provides tailored recommendations and actionable next steps for team- and/or organisational-level interventions to address issues and move you towards a place of optimal stress, performance and wellbeing
7. Follow-Up and Monitoring Plan:
Suggests a plan for regular follow-up assessments and monitoring to track progress and adjust strategies as needed
8. Comparative Analysis:
Trend report (if possible based on number of individuals) comparing current data with past assessments to show trends over time and measure the impact of previously implemented strategies
By providing these comprehensive insights and recommendations, the detailed report aims to empower leaders with the information needed to create a healthier, more productive work environment and support their employees effectively
Evidence-Based Approach:
Our diagnostic test is based on the latest research in psychology and workplace wellbeing, ensuring reliable and actionable insights.
Customisable Reports:
Both individual and organisational reports can be tailored to meet specific needs and objectives.
Expert Support:
Our team of experts is available to assist with interpreting the data and implementing effective stress management strategies across the organisation.
Invest in your employees’ wellbeing and unlock their full potential. With our service, you can create a healthier, more resilient, and high-performing workforce. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your organisation thrive.